Jackson Kaspari '18 '24

2018 Sustainability Fellow - Measuring Municipal Carbon and Nitrogen Footprints | City of Dover, NH
Jackson Kaspari Headshot

Jackson Kaspari worked with Elena Piekut in the City of Dover's Planning and Community Development Department to establish a carbon and nitrogen footprint baseline for Dover's local government operations (LGO). The combined greenhouse gas and nitrogen inventory report that he produced is the first ever for a municipality, and will allow Dover to track its future progress in terms of increasing energy efficiency, decreasing costs, and reducing its LGO footprints. Jackson has learned to appreciate the process of inventory data acquisition and gained valuable insight regarding how municipalities function. Jackson completed his fellowship following his graduation from the University of New Hampshire where he studied chemical engineering. He hopes to build upon his Fellowship experience by incorporating this work into his Ph.D. research at UNH. Jackson looks forward to further collaboration with the other fellows in his "class" as well as members of the alumni network.