Andy DeMeo '18

2018 Sustainability Fellow - Sustainability Handprinting in Higher Education | NewEarth B
Andy DeMeo Headshot

Andrew's fellowship was hosted by New Earth B, an independent sustainability B Corp based in York, Maine. He worked with Greg Norris, Ph.D on the Handprinter project, which is an app/website born out of Norris's vision to help people, businesses, and other organizations achieve a "net positive" environmental footprint. During the summer Andrew assisted New Earth B in identifying market opportunities for Handprinter in higher education, as well as soliciting feedback from potential users on the concept and current design of Handprinter. Andrew completed his fellowship after finishing his B.S. in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability at UNH. Following the fellowship, Andrew plans to continue working with Handprinter while growing his own beekeeping business on the NH Seacoast, where he lives.