Rachel Nadolny

2020 Sustainability Fellow - Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory | Town of Exeter, NH
Rachel Nadolny

Rachel Nadolny participated in the Fellowship program while completing a Master of Science in Sustainability Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She worked for the Town of Exeter, NH, conducting a municipal greenhouse gas emissions inventory. Prior to attending UMass Amherst, she completed a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Roger Williams University. Throughout her time at Roger Williams University she was involved in the Eco-Reps program and the Food Recovery Network. These two experiences introduced and developed her passion for sustainability. Rachel intends to have a career in which she is a part of the solutions to reducing the effects of climate change and is at the forefront of leading towards a more sustainable future. Outside of her career aspirations, Rachel enjoys spending time outdoors hiking in NH, swimming, and reading on the beach.