CHEM 404

Welcome to the CHEM 404 resource page! A list of major topics and subtopics are listed below. The videos are carefully selected for quality of content, depth of coverage, and alignment with course material. Use the videos to preview, review, or enhance your understanding of course content.

Chemistry Honor Society​

  • Peer-led free tutoring for general and organic chemistry courses led by AXE
  • Location: Parsons W131
  • Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 7 PM to 9 PM
  • Contact: 

Chemistry TA Office Hours​

  • Free assistance with lab assignments, problems, concepts, and online homework assignments for: CHEM 403, CHEM 404, CHEM 405, and CHEM 411
  • Location: Zoom and in-person options available -- consult the TA office hours handout
  • Contact: Ian Konen (

Chemistry 404 Video Library

Collision Theory - Teacher's Pet Learn More