Join Senate

Thank you for showing interest in fostering real, positive change on campus! There are three different constituencies you may represent from across the University. These constituencies are based on two factors - your residence location (dorm/UNH apartment or commuter/off-campus) and your college division (ex: CEPS). 

How to choose a constituency group

There is no difference in categories beyond the constituents you represent in Senate meetings (neighbors vs classmates).  These constituencies are designed to include as many student voices as possible. There are many opportunities, in which you can be involved in Student Senate. However, as a Student Senator, you can only represent one constituency at a time! Please look below to see if you qualify to run as a Student Senator in any of the three constituencies.

Every Residence Hall and UNH-owned Apartment complex can elect 2 Student Senators to represent them. These Senators represent the interests of their peers living within their residence community and regularly keep in touch with their community by attend their weekly Hall/Community Council meetings. Elections for these positions are held at the beginning of the fall semester within each residence building, but if a student would like to join after the fall election, they can reach out to the Senate Executive Officer ( for more info!

Each of UNH's 5 colleges (CEPS, CHHS, COLA, COLSA, and PAUL) can elect 5 Student Senators to represent them. These Senators represent the interests of their peers within their respective college. In order to become a College Student Senator, a prospective student must obtain the signature of at least one faculty member or a member of their respective Dean's Office. Elections for these positions are held at the beginning of the fall semester, but if a student would like to join after the fall election, they can reach out to the Senate Executive Officer ( for more info!

UNH has very a large and diverse population of off-campus students, and this constituency can elect up to 25 Student Senators to represent them. These Senators represent the interests of their peers within the off-campus population. Any Student that does not live in a University owned residence hall or apartment complex can become an Off-campus Senator. Elections for these positions are held at the beginning of the fall semester, but if a student would like to join after the fall election, they can reach out to the Senate Executive Officer ( for more info!


In order to be a part of UNH Student Senate, you have to fill out a petition. The steps being: 

  • Fill out a petition and acquire the necessary signature(s)
  • Return petition to the Executive Officer in MUB 119 to become a canidate in the Student Senator Election
  • Once elected, fill out the Oath of Office and return it to the Executive Officer
  • Attend the Senator Fall Orientation
  • Join a council, SAFC, or MUBOG

Petitions for Session 45 are due on September 9th, 2023. If you have missed this deadline, please contact about joining.