Support SHARPP today

From 1978 to today SHARPP has been providing support to those impacted by interpersonal violence and working to prevent  violence from occurring within our UNH community

Over the decades, SHARPP has continued to strive towards creating a University community free from interpersonal violence. We envision a campus community where all students, faculty, and staff experience autonomy and safety. While violence still exists, we strive to eliminate structural barriers, increase access to resources, and empower our community to advance liberatory avenues of justice.
Please consider making a contribution to SHARPP today. Your generous donation has the ability to help provide our program with critical resources necessary to support survivors and comprehensive prevention here at UNH.
Give to SHARPP

Your contribution...Supports students impacted by interpersonal violence, Expands learning opportunities focused on violence prevention education, and Increases awareness-raising  + community building  events & programming