Welcome to Prevention Innovations Research Center
We are proud to serve as co-directors of Prevention Innovations Research Center, and we feel that our work has never been more relevant than it is today. We are living in a time of enormous cultural change, when paradigms are being shifted and power structures are being transformed. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movements point to a growing societal realization that the time for change is now.
At Prevention Innovations, it is our goal to eradicate sexual and relationship violence, sexual harassment and stalking. We have made it our life’s work to use a researched based, whole community approach to creating safe and respectful environments. Our research informs our work and has been the foundation of our internationally recognized Bringing In the Bystander® training. The program is currently being adapted for use by high school and corporate participants. We have created the uSafeUS® smartphone app, a useful tool in the prevention of and response to sexual violence, and have been working with the National Science Foundation to maximize its positive impact on campuses across the nation. Our Know Your Power® Bystander Social Marketing Campaign has found great success in raising awareness about the critical issues of assault and harassment. Each of these prevention strategies is grounded in research, has been informed by the target audience, and helps to engage the community in the prevention of sexual violence.
Today, our efforts take on an added level of importance given the current societal climate. We have been collaborating with legislators, educators, and corporate leaders to find the best way forward in creating real and sustained cultural change. We are grateful for your continued support of our mission and our work.
All our best,
Jane and Sharyn