Dear UNH Faculty, Staff and Students –

I am following up on my message from last Friday to faculty and staff about the federal government’s requirement that organizations with government contracts must have their employees vaccinated for COVID-19.  Because UNH has many government contracts, this requirement includes us. We now have a more detailed understanding of the implications of this requirement, which I want to share with you. If you are fully vaccinated and have already uploaded proof of vaccination you don’t need to do anything else—and thank you.

Who is covered by this requirement?
All employees, including all student employees, who work on the Durham campus. This is because anyone who works on federal contracts, supports federal contracts or comes into contact with those who do are part of this requirement. After a detailed review of interactions on the Durham campus, we cannot find a way to exclude any group of employees. 

We are still closely assessing compliance for employees and student workers at the Manchester campus, law school and extension sites across the state. More information for these employees will be shared soon.

When are employees expected to be fully vaccinated?
December 8. People are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, or two weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. For employees electing to receive the Pfizer or Moderna two-dose vaccine, a first dose would need to be administered in the next two weeks and the second dose received by Nov. 24. For employees choosing the Johnson &Johnson vaccine, a shot must be received by Nov. 24 to allow two weeks to be fully vaccinated.

If I am already vaccinated, but haven’t reported it to UNH, how do I do this?
Visit the main COVID site and look for the ‘upload proof of vaccination’ button.

If I am not vaccinated, but want to get vaccinated now, what should I do?
The vaccine is available locally at the Durham Rite Aid. All three authorized COVID-19 vaccines are readily available at hospitals, urgent care centers, doctor’s offices and pharmacies. Providers can be located by visiting

If I have religious or health reasons for not getting vaccinated, what should I do?
Complete the appropriate exemption form.

We know there will be more questions concerning this new federal requirement. You can email to share yours and we will have FAQs on the main COVID site shortly.

The good news is that the overwhelming majority of our university community has already told us that they are vaccinated, so this new requirement affects a relatively small number of employees and student employees. Thank you in advance for your help with this new requirement.

With my best wishes,