Members of the UNH Community,
We are approaching the 2020 general election at an undoubtedly challenging and fractious time. While the COVID-19 pandemic and a long overdue reckoning with racial injustice are among the most pressing concerns facing our nation, ongoing and interwoven challenges related to the economy, health care, the environment and social equality, among others, continue to confound policymakers and lead to lively debate among citizens.

Informed debate and argument are important elements of a college experience and the University of New Hampshire is steadfastly loyal both to academic freedom and freedom of speech. We encourage you to interact with and actively support candidates for office who share your beliefs and values. While in-person political events on campus are limited this fall, please consider other means to engage with candidates for federal, state and local offices.  As you do, please review the protocols we follow for political events and activity at UNH.
We hope you will all exercise your rights in our democracy and vote this fall, be it here in Durham or in your hometown, in person or through the mail. 
Students, we have worked closely with the Town of Durham to organize three voter registration/absentee voting opportunities in October. You will be able to register to vote, request an absentee ballot and complete and return that ballot in-person during one of these events. These opportunities will occur at Huddleston Hall: 

  • Thursday, October 8, 2020, 2-6 p.m.
  • Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 2-6 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 24, 2020, 12-4 p.m.

Due to social distancing requirements, there are a limited number of spaces available on each date and pre-registration is required. Please visit to reserve your spot. This opportunity is available to UNH students who live in Durham (either in a residence hall, house or apartment) while studying at UNH who would like to vote in the 2020 election as a Durham resident. If you are living in another town while attending UNH, you must register and vote there.
James W. Dean, Jr.
Wayne Jones