Dear Members of the University Community—

The new policies recently released by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regarding international students studying in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic are incredibly unfair and harmful. Blocking and possibly expelling international students in the middle of their studies if circumstances change serves no one’s interests and will set back the United States’ ability to attract the world’s brightest minds. We support our international students and value the diversity they bring to our campuses. Although UNH will be offering a mixture of online and in-person classes, this new policy limits the flexibility we need to plan for a variety of contingencies while ensuring we can provide a high-quality education in the safest and most effective way possible. We are reviewing the guidance and will continue to work with colleagues around the country to urge the administration to protect international students and provide us with the flexibility needed to ensure we can remain welcoming and supportive of everyone. Our colleagues in the Office of International Students and Scholars are in touch with our international community and urge students to reach out to during this stressful and frustrating time.


James W. Dean Jr.
