Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to share an update about our work with Huron Consulting, the group we hired in the fall to take a deep dive into our finances. This work is part of one of our strategic priorities — building financial strength — and that priority is the one that will ultimately help support our mission, overarching aspiration and three other priorities: student success and well-being; academic excellence; and embrace NH.

Huron’s work focused on identifying revenues and expense reduction opportunities that we can reinvest across the university to support our mission and strategic priorities. Please review Huron's final report for more information. The President’s Leadership Council, along with the Executive Committee, has reviewed Huron’s findings and identified the following areas as ones we will focus on this semester (phase one). We are in the midst of forming implementation teams for each of these:

  • Academic cost structure 
  • IT – business and student (Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • Libraries 
  • BSCs
  • RCM review 

In the coming weeks, there will be opportunities to learn more about Huron’s findings that we are pursuing and to ask questions and offer feedback. First, I invite you to the State of the University on Feb. 4 at 1 p.m. at the Hamel Rec Center. Second, we will be holding four town hall meetings in February and March (one in Manchester, one in Concord and two in Durham). We will share dates and details soon.

I want to thank the steering committee and the many faculty and staff who have worked on this effort so far. We have a lot of work ahead and I will continue to keep you posted on our progress. I am confident that this effort will allow us to make critical investments to drive us forward and support our strategic priorities.


James W. Dean Jr.
