Request Data

Information about UNH is made available through different sources.  Before submitting the IR&A data request form, please consider whether the information you need is available elsewhere.  Some sources you may wish to explore:

  • The Data and Reports and Dashboards areas of this website provide information on UNH enrollment by student characteristics, college, and major as well as degrees awarded.
  • USNH WebIntelligence (WebI) Reporting:  Supported by the UNH Enterprise Information Management (EIM) team, WebI  offers an array of reports that draw on student, admissions, HR, and finance data. WebI is available to internal UNH users only, and most university departments have WebI users who can access the reporting area. 
  • Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Data Center: IPEDS is a federal source of detailed data on U.S. colleges and universities including UNH.  Data available for download on their website includes the areas of enrollment, financial aid, tuition, graduation, and completions among others. 

 To submit a request for information to our office, please click one of the buttons below: