Special Event: Leadership Luncheon with Laura Knoy

Laura Knoy

The Hamel Scholars were treated to a Leadership Luncheon with special guest, Laura Knoy. 

Laura Knoy began her career in public media as a reporter and announcer at the National Public Radio affiliate WAMU, in Washington, D.C. She soon went on to become a newscaster and freelance reporter at NPR. In the mid-1990’s, she became the founding host of “The Exchange”. For 25 years, “The Exchange” was New Hampshire’s most widely recognized and respected radio program. As host, Laura interviewed dozens of Presidential candidates. She led countless political debates and conversations with office-holders, from governors and U.S. senators down to local city councilors. She interviewed thousands of people from all walks of life about the most important issues of the day. 

The Hamel Scholars enjoyed an amazing hour with Ms. Knoy, hearing from and asking questions of a uniquely situated and experienced New Hampshire leader.