The DOE CSGF trains scientists to meet the nation’s workforce needs and helps to create a nationwide interdisciplinary community. The fellowship provides support and guidance to some of the nation’s best scientific graduate students, and these graduates now work in DOE laboratories, private industry and educational institutions.
Deadline: January
Value: A yearly stipend of $45,000 Full tuition and required fees will be paid during the appointment period (at any accredited U.S. university)
Eligibility: Students must be planning full-time, uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D. degree at a U.S. university. Students in their first or second year of graduate study in the physical, engineering, computer, mathematical, or life sciences are eligible to apply for the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF). Exceptional senior undergraduates who can meet all the requirements listed in this application may also apply. Applicants must be either U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens. Students must be enrolled at a department that either: (a) Does not require that graduate students perform support activities (e.g., teaching, grading, etc.) to qualify for the doctoral degree or (b) will waive such requirements, if they exist, for DOE CSGF fellows during the period of their fellowship.
Major: physical, engineering, computer, mathematical, or life sciences
Fellowship Type: Graduate
Nomination: No, but strongly suggested to work with the Fellowships Office
Website: Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowship