
Resource Category Topic Type
National Institutes for Health (NIH) University of Cambridge/University of Oxford Health Science Research
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program is a highly individualized and accelerated doctoral training program for…
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program is a 10-week summer research fellowship for undergraduate and…
Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
The Hollings Scholarship Program provides successful undergraduate applicants with awards that include academic assistance (up to $9,500 per year)…
US Citizen STEM Summer Opportunities, Undergraduate funding
Graduate Student Measurement Science and Engineering Fellowship Program
This fellowship program provides financial assistance for doctoral students in disciplines related to NIST measurement science and engineering…
Department of Energy (DOE) Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship
The Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF) Program provides outstanding…
US Citizen STEM Professional development, Research
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program) RISE (Research Internship Summer Experience) PRO
Summer internship program for recent college graduates or graduate students from the United States, Canada and the UK in the fields of biology,…
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident STEM Research, Study Abroad, Summer Opportunities
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program) RISE (Research Internship Summer Experience)
Summer internship program for undergraduate students from the United States, Canada and the UK in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth…
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident STEM Research, Summer Opportunities
Amgen Scholars Program
The Amgen Scholars Program aims to open the door to research opportunities at 24 host institutions in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia for…
US Citizen, US Permanent Resident STEM Research, Summer Opportunities