International Affairs

Resource Category Topic Type
Congressional Fellowship
Throughout this semester-long program, Congressional Fellows learn about politics first-hand from Members of Congress, both in their home District…
US Citizen Public Service Leadership development, Professional development
Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace
The Davis Fellows for Peace fellowships are awarded to 12 languages and cover tuition, room, and board for one summer at any level of study. The…
John Jay Institute
The John Jay Fellows Program is a flagship program and constitutes a semester-long fellowship-in-residence at our campus in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.…
Herbert Scoville Peace & Security Fellowship
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Program invites recent college and graduate school alumni to apply for full-time, six-to-nine month…
Charles B. Rangel Graduate Fellowship
The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is a program that aims to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service in which…
US Citizen Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Graduate school