Environmental Science

Resource Category Type
Tribal Lands Environmental Science Scholarship Program
The Tribal Lands program enables Native Americans to work for the environmental protection of tribal lands by assisting them in their pursuit of…
Minority Graduate Students, Undergraduate
National Marine Fisheries Service - Sea Grant Joint Graduate Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics
The NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics is designed to help Sea Grant fulfill…
Graduate Students
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program is a 10-week summer research fellowship for undergraduate and…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship provides a unique educational experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes…
Graduate Students, International Students
Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
The Hollings Scholarship Program provides successful undergraduate applicants with awards that include academic assistance (up to $9,500 per year)…
Audience: Undergraduate
Eckenfelder Scholarship
In recognition of Dr. Wesley Eckenfelder’s many contributions to the environmental profession, Brown and Caldwell offers a $5,000 scholarship for…
Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Brian E. Doyle Undergraduate Marine Extension Fellowship
Fellows spend the summer working with N.H. Sea Grant staff seeking to help individuals and organizations make informed decisions regarding our marine…