Submit an Appeal for ECenter Challenge Points Form

As part of the appeal, you are required to submit to the ECenter a signed letter from the event sponsor or club leader saying that you were present and actively participated. In the event of an activity, provide the details and evidence of participation that includes dates and times. If the event sponsor/club leader letter cannot be produced for a valid reason, a 250-350 word statement explaining the content of the event as well as the time and location will be accepted in its place. ​
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

After the letter or statement has been submitted, the participant will meet with a small selection of the ECenter Challenge Board to discuss the appeal. This step can be omitted by the ECenter Challenge Board if it is seen as unnecessary. 

The ECenter Challenge Board has the right to reject an appeal at its sole discretion. Once an appeal is rejected, it cannot be overturned and the points will be forfeited. All decisions made by the Board are final. 

If the ECenter Challenge Board finds that the Participant is not eligible or does not meet the requirements for ECenter Challenge points, efforts will be made to notify the Participant within fourteen (14) days or before the close of the Program, if the event less than 14 days. 

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