Campus Resources

Resource Category Office Type
Chronic Illness Support
For Depression, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Diabetes, Lupus, Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease and other conditions. Participants will have the opp...
Audience: Student
People with Disabilities Health & Wellness Campus Resources
Campus Transportation Wildcat Access
Formerly known as the "Handi-Van," provides on-campus transportation service for UNH students and employees with permanent or temporary mobi...
People with Disabilities Transportation Services Campus Resources
Campus Resource Guide
A-Z Index of UNH services, resources and departments.
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Communications and Public Affairs Campus Resources
Beauregard Center
The Beauregard Center is committed to working collaboratively with the whole UNH community to create a more inclusive, equitable, and socially just ca...
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Beauregard Center Campus Resources
Amorous Relationship Policy
This policy provides clarifications and guidelines to prevent conflicts of interest that can occur when members of the USNH community engage in amorou...
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
University System of New Hampshire Campus Resources
Civil Rights and Equity
Oversees the University’s compliance efforts in regard to affirmative action, Title IX, disability laws and regulations, equal employment laws and cam...
People with Disabilities Civil Rights & Equity Office Campus Resources
While driven by the need to increase participation and advancement of women faculty, the UNH ADVANCE efforts aim to benefit all faculty members.
Audience: Faculty
Women UNH ADVANCE Campus Resources
Accessible Wildcat Transit Bus Stops
Bus stops.
People with Disabilities Transportation Services Campus Resources
Office of Emergency Management
UNH Police Department Office of Emergency Management
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
People with Disabilities UNH Police Department Campus Resources