People with Disabilities

Resource Category Office Type
Offers distinct programs that provide resources to help people with disabilities realize their potential and engage with the entire community.
Audience: Student
People with Disabilities Scholarships
Human Resources- Policies and Procedures for UNH Employees
Policies and procedures that are applicable to our employees and our organizations, departments & offices
Audience: Faculty, Staff
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Horatio Alger Association
Scholarship opportunities
Audience: Student
People with Disabilities Scholarships
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and TransGender New Hampshire (TG-NH) are part of a state-wide coalition working to establish anti-...
Audience: Faculty
People with Disabilities Beauregard Center, Safe Zones Regional/State Organizations
Future in Sight
Is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to transforming the lives of those who are blind, visually impaired, and their families.
People with Disabilities Regional/State Organizations
Federal Student Aid
FAFSA and Aid types, and undergraduate awards for studying abroad.
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women National Organizations
Employee Assistance Program
Extension of employee benefits (use "USNH") Legal help, parenting, child care, counseling, older adult services, financial help and more.
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women University System of New Hampshire Campus Resources
Do-It (disability opportunities internetworking and technology)
Promoting inclusion and success for people with disabilities.
People of Color, People with Disabilities National Organizations
Disability Rights Movement (history)
The web site is a reproduction of the interactive kiosk that accompanies the physical exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of American Histor...
People with Disabilities Office of Community, Equity & Diversity National Organizations
Crisis and Emergency Services
Psychological and Counseling Services is sensitive and committed to diversity and the richness of human differences. Our service and training missions...
Audience: Student
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women Psychological and Counseling Services (PACS) Campus Resources