Dining Dollars & Cat's Cache


How do I make deposits?

There are several convenient and easy options for Faculty, Staff, and Students to add Dining Dollars and Cat's Cache to their account. 

  • Dining Dollars and Cat's Cache can be purchased through the eAccounts Transact portal and the eAccounts app which can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Family or friends can make online deposits into student accounts using our “Guest Deposit” feature by entering the student's first name, last name, and the student's ID number.
  • Students can add Dining Dollars and Cat's Cache through the Housing Portal. Charges will be billed to the student’s account through Webcat (same as tuition). 
  • Using a credit or debit card, Dining Dollars and Cat's Cache can be added at one of our convenient Wildcat Deposit Centers located on campus at the Dimond Library and at the Wildcatessen (at Stillings Hall).

Order Through Housing Portal