Standards of Conduct & Student Policies

Publication and Dissemination 

The University of New Hampshire, like any community, has established regulations and standards by which its members must abide and procedures by which the academic community functions. The Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities (SRRR) Handbook is the University’s official compendium for the Student Code of Conduct cornerstone student policies and expected standards of behavior published annually by the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students oversees and directs the approval process for changes in student policies and regulations. 

Student code of conduct

The Student Code of Conduct is  a set of established policies and standards of behavior that helps maintain a campus environment where ideas are freely exchanged, university property and processes are respected, and conflicts are peacefully resolved. The Office of Community Standards is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the Conduct of Conduct and administering the university-wide conduct system when students and recognized student organizations are accused of engaging in prohibited conduct.

Policy Review and Revision

The Director of Community Standards is responsible for ensuring that policies that fall under their jurisdiction are implemented, communicated, reviewed, updated, and monitored for compliance and effectiveness. The Student Code of Conduct undergoes regular reviews at appropriate intervals, and non-substantial or minor changes that do not alter the meaning or scope of a policy (e.g., updating organizational names,  contact information, as well as corrections for broken links, typographical errors, and formatting issues), occur annually. There are no announcements made about policies that have been updated as minor, routine maintenance. 

Previous S.R.R.R. Handbooks​​​​​​ & Policy Withdrawals 

View the 2021-2022 SRRR & STUDENT CODE

View the 2022-2023 SRRR & STUDENT CODE

Sunsetting the three strikes policy

If the University receives notice of alleged misconduct and upon receipt of information, the date of the incident in question occurred during a previous academic year, the corresponding SRRR Handbook will determine if the University has jurisdiction to respond and to what extent. ​