Suspension Resources

The Community Standards (CS) office understands, if the choices a student has made at UNH have resulted in suspension from the University of New Hampshire, that life can be daunting and stressful. The purpose of the sanction of suspension is for the student to take a pause from their time at UNH to reevaluate their goals and values in regards to their education. We have included a list of resources below to help students through this process, work through their stress, and stay academically motivated.

What is Suspension?

The sanction of suspension is a separation of the student from the University for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified; closely review your sanctions listed to make sure you complete all parts by their due dates. Students are banned from campus for the duration of their suspension –entering campus buildings or being on campus property while a student is suspended is trespassing, a criminal offense, and could lead to the student being arrested. Being arrested on campus after being suspended could adversely affect one’s chances of being readmitted into the University. A suspended student is ineligible to register for or attend classes at any other University System of New Hampshire institution for the entire period of suspension.

Things to Know

Learn more about various aspects related to University Suspension that are important to many students. Click each section to expand it for more information.

If you have been sanctioned with University Suspension, and you live in UNH Housing, you have 48 hours to move out from the date of the decision. If you choose to petition for an appeal, the sanction will be on hold while the appeal is being conducted by an Appellate Officer.

Work with your Residence Hall Director / Apartment Manager to discuss the move-out process.

After the duration of suspension, a student is eligible to be readmitted to UNH. An application for readmission through the Office of Admissions is REQUIRED. The application for readmission may be due prior to the end of your suspension period; however, you cannot resume classes until the suspension period is complete.

It should be noted that you are not guaranteed entry into your previous degree program. Program specific questions should be addressed to the dean of your respective college.

Often students who have been suspended have been assigned other sanctions that they must complete, while they are away or once they return to UNH, or both. Make sure that you pay close attention to your sanctions and complete them by their due dates. If you are unsure of your sanctions, please review your Hearing Decision or contact Community Standards.

If a student’s suspension was the result of a drug charge, often they may be sanctioned to take a drug and alcohol class or meet with a License Drug and Alcohol Counselor (LDAC). Your health insurance provider should be able to provide you with a list of LDACs in your area.

The University encourages suspended students to stay academically motivated. However, it is the academic policy of UNH to not accept transfer credits from other institutions of higher education earned by students during the first semester of their suspension period. This policy is in place for students suspended for both academic or conduct reasons.

The first question many students and parent have is if they will get any refund for tuition or from University Housing (if the student resided on campus at time of suspension). The best answer to this question may be obtained by contacting the Business Services Office at (603) 862-2230. For questions regarding housing refunds contact University Housing at (603) 862-2120.

The sanction of Suspension will remain on your disciplinary record for up to seven years from the date of the incident. After this, the record is automatically expunged; no action by the student is required to have their record expunged after the five year time frame has occurred.

Currently, academic transcripts do not include student conduct sanctions. Questions regarding transcripts should be directed to the UNH Registrar at (603) 862-1500.

The UNH conduct system is independent from the criminal justice system. If you have been charged criminally for any incident and you have questions regarding those charges you should contact the arresting agency. Usually the arresting agency would be the UNH Police Department (603) 862-1427 or the Durham Police Department (603) 868-2324. Occasionally, the arresting agency could be a state agency, such as the NH State Police or NH Liquor Commission – Division of Enforcement. Be sure to read any documentation you received from the police closely. You may also want to consider obtaining legal representation; the NH Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service which can be found here or by calling (603) 229-0002.

Campus Resources