
Resource Year Topic Type
The Justice System for Juvenile Victims: A Comprehensive Model of Case Flow
Finkelhor,D., Cross,T. and Cantor,E. Trauma Violence & Abuse 6(3) 83-102. (CV62J)
2005 General Child Victimization Paper
Rural families with a child abuse report are more likely headed by a single parent and endure economic and family stress
Mattingly, M. J., & Walsh, W. Carsey Institute 10(Winter) (CV216).
2010 General Child Victimization Paper
Prevalence of child victimization, abuse, crime, and violence exposure
Finkelhor, D. In M. P. K. J.W. White, & A.E. Kazdin (Ed.), Violence against women & children: Mapping the terrain (pp. 9-29). Washington, DC…
2011 General Child Victimization Paper
Characteristics of crimes against juveniles
Finkelhor,D. (2012). Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center. (CV26R)
2012 General Child Victimization Paper
At-school victimization and violence exposure assessed in a national household survey of children and youth
Finkelhor, D., Vanderminden, J., Turner, H., and Shattuck, A. Journal of School Violence, 00:1–24.
2014 General Child Victimization Paper
Child maltreatment rates assessed in a national household survey of caregivers and youth
Finkelhor, D., Vanderminden, J., Turner, H., Hamby, S., & Shattuck, A. Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(9), 1421-1435. (CV316)
2014 General Child Victimization Paper
Victimizations of Mexican youth (12–17 years old): A 2014 national survey
Frías, S. M., & Finkelhor, D. Child Abuse & Neglect, 67, 86-97. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.02.013 (CV352)
2017 General Child Victimization Paper
Factors that Influence Child Abuse Reporting: A Survey of Child-Serving Professionals
Walsh, W. & Jones, L. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
2015 General Child Victimization Paper
A Statewide Study of the Public’s Knowledge of Child Abuse Reporting Policies
Walsh, W. & Jones, L. Durham, NH: Crimes against Children Research Center.
2015 General Child Victimization Paper
Children Exposed to Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations: Results From National Sample Surveys
Shattuck. A., Finkelhor, D., Turner, H., & Hamby, S. JAMA Pediatrics,170(2):e154493. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.4493.
2016 General Child Victimization Paper
Poly-victimization in a national sample of children & youth
Turner, H. A., Finkelhor, D., & Ormrod, R. (2010). Poly-victimization in a national sample of children and youth. American journal of preventive…
2010 Exposure to Domestic Violence, General Child Victimization, JVQ, Polyvictimization Paper
Pathways to poly-victimization
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R. K., Turner, H. A., & Holt, M. A. (2009). Pathways to poly-victimization. Child Maltreatment, 14(4), 316-329. doi:10.…
2009 General Child Victimization, JVQ, Polyvictimization Paper
Poly-victimization: A neglected component in child victimization trauma
Finkelhor, D., Ormrod, R. K., & Turner, H. A. (2007). Poly-victimization: A neglected component in child victimization. Child Abuse & Neglect…
2007 General Child Victimization, JVQ, Polyvictimization, Statistics Paper
The Youth Bias Victimization Questionnaire (YBVQ)
The study used an intensive, mixed-methods approach to develop a comprehensive youth bias crime violence exposure instrument, the Youth Bias…
Hate and Bias Victimization Project
Improving Efforts to Prevent Children's Exposure to Violence
Handbook to support the evaluation of child maltreatment and prevention programs.
Evaluation Paper
JVQ Translations
JVQ Translations
JVQ Paper
National Juvenile Prostitution Study (N-JPS)
The National Juvenile Prostitution Study is a two-phase study beginning with a telephone survey of a national sample of approximately 400 law…
2004 Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Project
Research Partnership to Improve NH State Data on Abused and Neglected Children (NH PARCS)
The central aim of this project is to improve NH’s child protective service system's data collection, data management and data analytic…
2005 Child Advocacy Centers, Statistics Project
Reporting crimes against juveniles
NCVS data: Finkelhor, D., & Ormrod, R. (1999). Reporting crimes against juveniles. Juvenile Justice Bulletin - NCJ178887 (pgs. 1-8). Washington…
1999 General Child Victimization, Statistics Paper
Offenders incarcerated for crimes against juveniles
Finkelhor, D. & Ormrod, R.K. (2001) Juvenile Justice Bulletin – NCJ191028 (pgs. 1-12). Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.
2001 General Child Victimization, Statistics Paper