
Resource Year Topic Type
Confidentiality Protections for Juvenile Victims
This project explores the statutory, constitutional and practical issues involved in providing better protections against the disclosure of the…
Privacy Project
Protecting the privacy of child crime victims
Finkelhor, D. and Putnam, C. APRI: Update, 17(2): 1-2. (CV98)
2004 Privacy Paper
Mitigating the impact of publicity on child crime victims and witnesses
Putnam, C., and Finkelhor, D. In N. E. Dowd, D. G. Singer & R. F. Wilson (Eds.), Handbook of children, culture, and violence (pp. 113-131).…
2006 Privacy Paper
Protecting victims' identities in press coverage of child victimization
Jones, L.M., Finkelhor, D., & Beckwith, J. Journalism, 11(3): 347-367.
2010 Privacy Paper