Resource Year Topic Type
Risk Factors for Youth Victimization: Beyond a Lifestyles Theoretical Approach
Finkelhor, D., and Asdigian, N.L. Violence & Victims. 11(1):3-20. Order (CV13)
1996 General Child Victimization Paper
Corporal Punishment as a Stressor among Youth
Finkelhor, D. and Turner, H. Journal of Marriage and the Family,58 (1):155-166. Order (CV10)
1996 General Child Victimization, Physical Abuse Paper
Family Abduction Outcomes: Factors Associated with Duration and Emotional Trauma to Children
Plass P., Finkelhor, D., and Hotaling G.T. Journal of Youth & Society, 28(1): 109-130. Order (MC12)
1996 Kidnapping and Missing Children, Kidnapping Paper