Career and Professional Success is prepared to support our students and employers online in a number of ways. While the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, the University of New Hampshire will continue to update the community with information here. Details for students and employers can be found below regarding online services and recruiting opportunities. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to caps@unh.edu.
Book an Online Appointment
Schedule career counseling appointments on Handshake (via Zoom):
Career appointments will be hosted virtually using Zoom and scheduled through Handshake.
Log in to Handshake to schedule an appointment like you would at any other time.
- Once you’ve selected your appointment category and type, you’ll see an option to select your Appointment Medium, which will default to "Video Call." Appointments will be completed using Zoom.
- In the appointment confirmation email (sent to your UNH email), you will receive both a link and a phone number for the Zoom meeting (you can join by phone call or from a computer). Upon clicking on the link, you'll be entered in a virtual waiting room until the counselor lets you into the meeting.
- For troubleshooting with Zoom: ZOOM HELP GUIDE
How to Schedule an Appointment
We're here. We're ready. Let's figure this out together, UNH Students. Book a career counseling appointment online via Handshake
24/7 Online Career Technology
Career and Professional Success offers a number of websites and platforms at all times that you can use to have your resume reviewed, practice interview techniques, network with alumni, learn about career options around the world, and more!
Summer Career Academy
Cultivate skills that many employers look for in job and internship applicants in this 6-week, free online program
Skill Building During Covid-19
Career and Professional Success has free resources to help students continue to build skills during the summer
New Jobs and Opportunities on Handshake
Ten most recent postings approved on Handshake. To see all the postings, log in to Handshake.
Attend Online Employer Events
Many employers are shifting all recruiting activities to online and virtual sessions. These continue to be found through Handshake under the "Events" tab.
PLEASE NOTE: Many on-campus career events scheduled between now and April 3 will be canceled or postponed. These changes will be reflected in Handshake, via email from your college CaPS team, or by checking our social media.
Campus Student Support Services
University offices that support students in a variety of ways are still available to help you.
Follow the Wildcat Way to Professional Success by engaging in community service.
Frequently Asked Questions for Students
For situation and employer-specific information, CaPS Career Counselors are available via Handshake to help navigate through more personalized questions.
1) If I am in a non-credit bearing internship this semester, should I continue to take my direction from my employer/supervisor?
Yes, many employers have migrated to virtual work. They may or may not expect you to complete your non-credit bearing internship virtually, based on the nature of the work. If the nature of the work requires you to be in person, and:
- Your employer is now virtual, ask if there is other work that you can do
- Your employer has not moved to virtual work and you are uncomfortable working on-site, request working remotely or to end your internship
Whatever the length of your non-credit internship, it is appropriate to list it on your resume.
2) I am concerned about my summer internship. What should I do to be proactive?
Domestically, we understand that many employers are moving forward with their internships. According to a National Association for Colleges and Employers poll, 85% of employers, are continuing their internship programs as planned. Internationally, many have been or will likely be canceled. Some tips:
- Begin now to look for alternative internships if yours has been canceled – there are over 2,000 currently posted in Handshake and many more on the major job boards
- Reach out to your internship site contact for an update
- Do not rush to a decision to renege your internship offer - seek counsel from a career counselor first
3) What can I do to gain experience/build skills if I cannot secure an internship?
No doubt, employers value and expect graduates to have learning experiences - to gain skills that prepare them to add value in their first job and beyond. There are lots of references to the skills that employers value most – typically topping the lists:
- Problem Solving/Critical Thinking
- Teamwork
- Communication/Interpersonal Skills
- Planning and Organizing
The good news is no matter what you are studying, you have developed these skills. The other good news is, these skills can be developed in lots of ways – volunteering, community service, projects, part-time work, etc. The next step, demonstrate you have the skills through your cover letter, resume, and interviews.
1) I was planning to attend an upcoming event that has been cancelled. How can I get more information about those employers and opportunities?
Follow Handshake’s instructions on how to View Employers Attending an Upcoming Career Fair to find more information on the employer and their open jobs. To receive notifications of new jobs or events make sure you follow employers by selecting the star on their page.
1) I am scheduled for an interview with an employer that will now be virtual, what should I do to prepare?
- Make sure an updated resume is on Handshake for employers to pull for the interview - this way, they have the most current version
- Preparation is key as outlined in this blog post
- Practice, practice, practice - InterviewStream is a great tool
2) What do I do if I sign up for virtual interviews in Handshake?
- Apply the same way that you would have for on-campus interviews.
- Once you are permitted to choose an interview time slot, click the Zoom meeting link next to your time slot to register with Zoom for the interview.
- After you register, you will receive an email from Zoom with the password for your interview.
- When joining your interview, enter the password when prompted. You will be automatically placed into a virtual waiting room. The employer will move you into the interview once they are ready for you.
- Please reach out to caps@unh.edu with any questions, or if you do not receive the interview password.
1) What can I do to protect myself from a declining job market?
One of the absolute best ways to find the job you want is through networking. Consider, for now and the future, networking as your critical survival skill. Countless surveys and research efforts conclude that the vast majority of successful job searches happen via networking.
If you have not joined Wildcat Connections, join now and make it your goal to connect with people regularly. Think about creating your personal Advisory Board – you can’t go wrong; our alumni are eager to support you.
2) I am nervous that the job offer that I have accepted may be rescinded. Should I reach out to my recruiter/hiring manager?
Yes, stay in touch with your employer contacts and follow your employer on LinkedIn to stay current.
Virtual Internships, Resources, & Best Practices
Type “remote” in job title, employer or keyword search bar
Put “remote” in keyword search and can also check a box to “Include remote positions”
Under the search filters, click on the “Remote / On-Site” section and check off the “Remote” box
Type “remote” in the “Where” search bar
All remote positions – can search by industry and see the remote jobs in that field
Offers a job board of remote positions and resources
Job postings from employers looking to hire students or grads who want to work from home
Offers volunteer projects
Virtual “abroad” internship opportunities
Third-party facilitators of online internships between employer and students: (there are associated fees with these programs)
What to do about internships in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?: A short guide to online internships for colleges, students, and employers – found on NACE
Topics in this document include: suggestions for current and upcoming internship positions, what an online internship is, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks, recommended policies, procedures and best practices for online internships
Should cancelIed internships be added to resumes – found on NACE
Advice on whether to add a cancelled internship to your resume from the National Association of Colleges and Employers
Top 100 Remote Companies Hiring – We Work Remotely
Lists companies and their open jobs
Tools for remote work – Standuply
Offers over 300 “tools” to help you with remote work
What You Really Need to Know About Remote Work – Skillcrush
Tips on working remotely
100 Top Companies with Remote Jobs in 2020 – Flexjobs
Offers a list of companies who offer remote jobs
Student Guide: Graduating in the Age of COVID-19 – LinkedIn by Avi Criden
A guide to help students entering the workforce, highlighting short and long-term action steps and the challenges that will likely be faced
The benefits of remote work for students (NACE)
Attracting top talent
Online projects help attract self-starters
Virtual work may book productivity
Boosts diversity and expands talent pools
Ensure success by setting clear expectations, providing the same level of support, instruction, and supervision as you would in person, discuss preferences on communication, establish timelines, and have virtual check-ins/weekly progress calls to stay in touch with your intern
Project-based internships are well suited for remote work
Advice for College Students: How to Maximize Your Career Development During COVID-19 (NACE)
Update your resume
Create a professional online presence (and clean up your personal social media)
Build new skills
Practice virtual interviewing
Cultivate your professional network
Get help from your career center
Hiring industries
Tech companies
- Pharmaceuticals
- Distribution centers
- Amazon – hired 100,000 employees because of high demand
- Online learning companies
- Grocery stores and delivery services
- Remote meeting and communication companies
Build up your resume
Online certifications (ex. Google Analytics and Hootsuite)
Free online courses
Training courses
Do employers have any online trainings that they can offer students (even if they’re not hiring)?
Use your network – reach out to people!
Explore short term options, beyond your specific career path – help make yourself more marketable
Connect with hiring managers and people you interviewed with
If the company is on a hiring freeze, inquire how and when to best follow up (they probably won’t know) – this shows engagement and commitment
Tips for virtual interviews:
Test your tech – make sure you are ready for the start of the interview and don’t take up time fixing your tech
Dress appropriately – just as you would in an in-person interview!
Be prepared – know what you want to talk about and be ready to answer questions
Be personable – everyone is going through the struggle of COVID-19, this is something that everyone can relate to
Remove distractions – don’t be on your phone during the interview or have things near you that will distract you
Follow-up – make sure you reach out post the interview to follow up with next steps
Virtual Engagement
Interviews, information sessions, and more can be conducted virtually through Zoom. Schedule virtual interviews or information sessions through Handshake. Learn about Career and Professional Success's policies and best practices on our Recruiting at UNH page.
If interested in additional event options, such as virtual drop-ins and panel meetings, or would like to discuss your recruitment options, please contact employer.relations@unh.edu.
Helpful Handshake Recruiting Resources
Use Handshake to advertise opportunities and activities to all of our students and recent graduates.
Zoom Troubleshooting and Best Practices
- UNH students, faculty, and staff have access to 24/7 incredible phone support: 1+888-799-9666
- Zoom documentation is easy to use
- Zoom provides free training for all campus members
Problem Solving Zoom
Audio Issues
- This 49 second video can solve most audio issues or at least point quickly to what may be wrong (such as needing to power up speakers.)
- A quick video tutorial about Zoom audio settings
- How do I fix echo issues? Echo can happen if the microphone and speakers are too close or multiple participants are in the same room
Permission Problems
It is important to understand that meeting 'hosts' and meeting 'participants' will see different tools and different tool permissions
- Zoom settings can be changed easily - follow these straight forward instructions
- Can't hear a participant? Hosts can unmute and mute participants
- Can't access screen sharing or a recording button? Be sure to log in to the UNH Zoom home page and join your session there
- Can't I log into the UNH Zoom Home page? Please call UNH IT support for log in issues
Network Issues
It is highly recommended to use a 'wired' network connection to the internet for all web conferencing events- especially for meeting hosts!
- Zoom has a checklist for wireless meetings if you decide to use one.
- Best practices for preparing my computer for a web conference?
- Close every browser and all programs not needed for the event (especially e-mail programs that may be 'slowing' your connection to the internet.)
- After going through this checklist, if you are having trouble connecting to Zoom, there is a small chance that Zoom is having network issues
Still having issues? Contact caps@unh.edu.