Award Recipient Year Role Award
Erin Sharp
Award for Excellence in Public Service, 2020
2020 Faculty Excellence in Public Service
Scott Smith
The Jean Brierley Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2020
2020 Faculty The Jean Brierley Award for Excellence in Teaching, University-Wide
Jason Sokol
Outstanding Faculty Award - Associate Professor, 2020
2020 Faculty Outstanding Faculty Award - Associate Professor, University-Wide
John Wilcox
Excellence in Teaching, 2020
2020 Faculty Excellence in Teaching
Charlotte Witt
Distinguished Professor Award, 2020
2020 Faculty Distinguished Professor Award, University-Wide
Nan Yi
Excellence in Teaching, 2020
2020 Faculty Excellence in Teaching
Loryn Camp
Helen Duncan Jones Award, 2020
2020 Undergraduate Student Helen Duncan Jones Award
Ciara Devereaux
Parents Association Award, 2020
2020 Undergraduate Student Parents Association Award
Evan England
Parents Association Award, 2020
2020 Undergraduate Student Parents Association Award
Tristan Evarts
Hood Achievement Prize, 2020
2020 Undergraduate Student Hood Achievement Prize