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Undergraduate Course Catalog 2013-2014

Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics


Dean: Daniel E. Innis
Associate Dean: Peter J. Lane , A. R. Venkatachalam
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs: Gail Stepina
Academic Counselor: Tamara S. Rury , Lisa Pappajohn , Ashley K. Lapp


The Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics (Paul College) prepares students for future careers in management, public service, research, and education. The liberal arts are the basic foundation of the curriculum, and management of change in a global economy is the major emphasis. Each department and program has its unique disciplinary tradition and the simultaneous commitment to broad educational excellence in critical thought, verbal and written communications, quantitative skills, computer literacy, and ethical reasoning. International awareness and cross-cultural understanding are essential components of the educational experience of Paul College students. The educational process encourages the integration of practice and theory through student interaction with business, public agencies, and faculty research.

The Paul College's undergraduate curricula combine a breadth of liberal education with specifics of professional education in business administration, economics, and hospitality management. Undergraduates enrolled in Paul College programs take a substantial part of their coursework, normally over 50 percent, in other colleges in the University in order to fulfill the Discovery Program requirements. Beyond those requirements, students are encouraged to elect additional courses in the arts, the behavioral and social sciences, the humanities, mathematics, and the natural sciences. Thus, students who complete the Paul College programs in business administration, economics, and hospitality management are prepared for employment and graduate study in these and adjacent fields.

The Paul College offers minors in business administration, economics, and hospitality management. Within the limits of its resources, the Paul College also serves the needs of undergraduates elsewhere in the University for whom selected courses in business administration, economics, or hospitality management are desirable complements to their primary course of study. To the extent that space is available after majors have enrolled, a limited number of Paul College courses are open to nonmajors who have the prerequisite preparation.

A maximum of 32 credits in courses offered by the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics may be taken by non-Paul College students.

Degree Requirements

The Paul College offers a bachelor of arts degree program in economics and bachelor of science degree programs in business administration, economics, and hospitality management. The degrees in business administration and hospitality management are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Students who desire a professional career in public accounting are advised to follow the five-year program leading to a bachelor of science in business administration and a master of science in accounting degree (see Accounting Program of Study for details). Application for admission to this highly selective program is made in the senior year.

Course listings for business administration are found under accounting and finance (ACFI), business administration (ADMN), decision sciences (DS), management (MGT), and marketing (MKTG). Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements for graduation as well as the particular requirements of their individual major programs. In addition, candidates must complete a math course (MATH 420, 424A, or equivalent). Economics majors must also satisfy specific requirements associated with the bachelor of arts degree (see Degree Requirements). No Paul College course may be taken on a pass/fail basis by a student majoring in business administration, economics, or hospitality management.

In order to graduate, students must achieve a grade-point average of at least 2.3 (2.0 for the B.A. in economics) in the major courses and a minimum grade of C- (for ADMN 403, students must obtain credit) in each major course. Any Paul College major required course (including ADMN 403) in which a grade below C- is obtained must be repeated. No more than two Paul College courses may be repeated and each course may be repeated at most one time.

Modifications tend to occur in major programs during the four-year period of a student’s undergraduate career. Students are expected to conform to these changes. Students transferring into the Paul College from other universities must have business, economics, and hospitality management courses reviewed and approved by the faculty through the Paul College Undergraduate Programs Office to be considered for major requirements. Transfer credit is normally granted only for 400- and 500-level courses, and normally only when the transferring institution is AACSB-accredited.

For information concerning advanced degrees, see the Graduate Catalog.


Advising System

Undergraduate advising in the Paul College is carried out jointly by academic advisers and the faculty. The academic advisers are based in the Paul College Undergraduate Programs Office, where student academic records are kept. The advisers assist students in program planning, preregistration, understanding and meeting general academic requirements, and general academic and career decision making. In addition, the advisers coordinate study abroad and domestic exchange and honors programs. The faculty draw on their own experience, expertise, and interests in helping students with course, program, and career selection.

The peer advising system, established in 1984, was created for the purpose of introducing first-year students to the college experience. Students complete a one-credit, credit/fail course each semester (ADMN 405/406, Freshman Academic Experience I/II), led by selected upper-class students under the direction of the Undergraduate Programs Office. The courses’ goals are to familiarize students with their major, college, and University; to introduce students to the nature of academic knowledge, academic standards, and academic/personal management skills essential for success in the University; to provide discussion of a common topic or book; to support students in their personal growth; to develop personal responsibility; and to encourage first-year students to use the advising services on campus.

Undergraduates are encouraged to develop an advisory relationship with one or more faculty members with whom they have mutual interests. All students are urged to seek as much assistance as they need from appropriate sources, but are reminded that theirs is the ultimate responsibility for knowing and meeting the various academic requirements for a degree.


Independent Study/Internship

Juniors or seniors in high academic standing in the Paul College may elect the internship or independent study course for variable credit. For either course, the student must secure a faculty sponsor in the area of interest and submit a written proposal prior to the start of the semester in which the project is to be undertaken. Independent study normally involves research, while internships are usually undertaken with cooperation of an off-campus organization and involve a non-routine but practical application of skills and concepts acquired in a student’s program.

Independent studies and internships require considerable self-direction and self-monitoring on the part of the student, who must be in high academic standing. Careful prior review of requirements with the undergraduate adviser and faculty sponsor is necessary. Students may earn no more than 16 credits combined in internships, independent studies, field experience, and supervised student teaching experience.

The Washington internship, a semester of supervised work experience in Washington, D.C., is open to any major.


International Programs

The Paul College encourages qualified students to participate in programs of international work and study. The Paul College has international opportunities in Budapest, Hungary; Grenoble, France; and Pollenzo, Italy (part of the EcoGastronomy dual major).

Students may also elect to take a dual major in international affairs, offered in conjunction with the program for international perspectives or a dual major in EcoGastronomy.

Information on other international programs can be obtained from the sponsoring department or the Center for International Education, Hood House, Room 204. Paul College students are highly encouraged to study abroad at schools accredited by the AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and/or EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System).


Five-Year Programs

Four-One Program: B.S.-M.S.A.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the national association of professional accountants, mandated that five years of university education be required for national certified public accountant (CPA) certification as of the year 2000. Most states have approved similar requirements for licensing/certification. The Paul College offers a five-year program designed for students who desire a professional accounting career. The program leads to the joint awarding of a bachelor of science in business administration and a master of science in accounting degree. Application for admission to this highly selective program is made in the senior year. Details are provided in the Programs of Study sections of this catalog and the Graduate Catalog.

Paul College Minors and Courses for Nonmajors

The Paul College faculty has developed a group of courses for nonmajors that, if available and when combined with certain elective courses, can constitute a minor in business administration, economics, or hospitality management. A list of minor requirements is available at the Paul College Undergraduate Programs Office, Room 120, McConnell Hall.

The Paul College also offers courses for nonmajors. Students interested in these courses should contact the undergraduate programs office.