Read our Family Guide for information related to common practices, procedures, and helpful tips for
most of our summer Youth Programs. Guide will be available in March.
Health, Wellness & Safety
UNH and its youth programs are committed to providing a community that is welcoming, inclusive, diverse, and equitable. Our values include civility and mutual respect with minor students and their families, as well as supporting that same respect among our youth participants.
Further, the health and safety of all UNH youth program participants is important to us, and we strive to maintain a healthy environment that promotes safety and enjoyment for all.
Families should review the information below and click on the links to learn more.
Health Care/Nutritional Needs
UNH hires a dedicated Summer Youth Program nurse who is available to all youth program staff, students, and families. The nurse provides triage medical care in the case of illness or injury.
The nurse also assists families with any pre-planning for medical concerns, and helps program staff and families in determining the appropriate administration of any medications a student may be taking while at the youth program.
Additionally, a UNH dietician is available for all Durham campus programs if special food arrangements are required in the dining hall. Please review the Allergy & Nutrition Information document below for more information. If a student requires specific meal planning, a parent/guardian must contact the dietician at least two weeks prior to arriving on campus.
Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.
- Authorization to Administer Medication Permission
- Epi-pen/Asthma Inhaler Permission Form
- UNH Dining Allergy & Nutrition Information
Student Support Needs
The University of New Hampshire seeks to create a welcoming and inclusive youth program experience for all participants. Reasonable accommodation, consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended, Section 504 and applicable state law, may be requested by parents/guardians to support participation of individuals with disabilities in youth camps and other youth activities.
Students with Learning, Behavioral, Physical and Medical Needs
Open communication with families is important for us to meet student needs. If the student has a learning, physical, dietary, behavioral, mental health, or medical need that requires accommodation, awareness, or support, please provide that information during the registration process.
Please refer to our general "Essential Skills" document for an understanding of the basic structure, expectations, and activities of our youth programs. If additional student support is being requested, please complete the "Support Needs/Accommodation Request Form" as soon as possible after the initial registration date.
Communicating with us early allows for sufficient time for UNH staff to follow up with families, if needed, and results in the student's maximum success in the youth program. However, we also encourage students & families to contact us with questions or concerns. The following documents provide helpful information:
- UNH Commitment to Minors
- Student Essential Skills for Participation
- Support Needs Review Process
- Support Needs/Accommodation Request Form
Student Conduct Expectations
In order for all youth participants to have a safe and comfortable experience, we ask that all parents/guardians review our Code of Conduct with their student before arriving at the program. The document is provided here, along with an outline of the steps that may be taken should a conduct issue arise during a UNH youth program:
- UNH Youth Program Code of Conduct (electronically signed during most online registrations)
- Student Conduct Process should an incident occur during a youth program
Forms & Waivers
The following forms are not required of all students but depend on each student's situation or needs. Forms can be downloaded here or from the student's CampDoc account for student's completing the registration questions there.
- Epi-pen/Asthma Inhaler Permission*
- Support Needs Request Form
- Authorization to Administer Medication
- Self Check In/Check Out & Vehicle Use Procedures
Please complete and return within the timeframe as instructed on the form. Note that the Epi-pen/Inhaler Permission requires a health care professional signature, per NH State law.
*For students completing the registration questions through CampDoc:
- The Epi-pen/Asthma Inhaler Permission Form can be downloaded from the student account in CampDoc and then uploaded back into the account after completion and with healthcare provider/parent signature. The form must be uploaded one month prior to the camp start date. This is the preferred method of Epi-Pen/Asthma Inhaler Permission Form receipt by UNH. The form only needs to be uploaded one time, even if the student is attending multiple youth programs. It is required to be updated and provided annually.
- The Student Self-Check In/Out Permission can be accepted as part of the Authorizations section of the registration questions. If accepted in CampDoc, the form is not required.
Various waiver review and parent/guardian permission are required as part of the registration for most Youth Programs:
- UNH Assumption of Risk
- Permission to Treat
- Photo/Creative Works consent
- Youth Program Code of Conduct
- Additional program-specific waivers, if applicable. These will be included in the student CampDoc account.
Health Physicals: Unless specifically requested by an individual camp, our Youth Programs do NOT require a student health physical prior to attendance.
For Athletic Camps: A physical is NOT required, but due to the rigorous daily schedule, every camper should arrive at camp prepared to fully participate. Every effort is made to protect the camper's health and safety, and a certified athletic trainer is available.