Jacob D

Show Hours: 

Hello there! My name is Jacob Dawson and I'm your WUNH News Director! I'm a journalism major here at UNH and I'm originally from Williston, Vermont. Thank you so much for tuning into our shows and making WUNH part of your life! While I'm also the News Director here at WUNH I'm also one of two News Editors at The New Hampshire and I'm the president of my fraternity, Lambda Chi Alpha. Through all these activites I know a lot about what is going on around campus and I love bringing that information into an audible piece. A major part of my job at WUNH is to take copies of the newspaper and pick out the best stories to record myself reading them so that DJs can play the clips on their shows. Another large part of my job entails interviewing various people from the area. I have a focus on politics and try to interview people on my show that will be big players in the midterm and presidential elections. I'm always looking for people to interview so please feel free to reach out to me directly at news.wunh@unh.edu. Thank you again for supporting WUNH!

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