The New England Water Treatment Assistance Center specializes in multidisciplinary research and development, piloting, verification, and diffusion of innovative, water treatment technologies.
Basic Safety Guidlines for Small Water Systems and Best Management Practices for Well Abandonment/Decommissioning have been posted. These include confined spaces entry and ladder safety guidelines as well as Excel worksheets for well plugging costs and state-by-state guidelines for decommissioning. See the Reports page.
is one of the eight technology assistance
centers in the United States that comprise TACNET. Funded by the U.S. EPA, the mission of TACNet is to form
a network with the common goal to protect public health, improve water
system sustainability, and enhance compliance. The centers address the
needs of small public water systems, including systems that serve
Indian tribes, by applying university resources in the following areas:
Technology verification
Pilot and field testing of innovative technologies
Training and technical assistance
New England Water Treatment Technology Assistance Center
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Fax: 603.862.3957