University of New Hampshire
McNair Scholar, 2024
Major: Genetics and Sustainability
Mentor: Dr. Chris Hernandez
Research Title: Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Warts and Hard Shell in Cucurbita pepo
Understanding the genetic basis of horticulturally important traits is vital for improving the efficiency of breeding programs. New genetic resources and tools allow for the efficient mapping and identification of genes associated with key traits. Cucurbita pepo (pumpkins and squash) is a diverse species of fruit varying greatly in color, shape, and size. Rind-related traits such as having a hard shell and developing so-called warts are two important traits for consumer acceptance of pumpkins, disease resistance, and shipping ability. Currently, there is a lack of recent and comprehensive genetic studies regarding these two traits in Cucurbita pepo. This study will examine the inheritance pattern of warts and hard shell in four F2 populations. As a part of this study, a ranking system will be established to characterize wart growth habits, interactions between wartiness and hard shell will be investigated, and these data will be used along with DNA sequencing to identify candidate genes. The end result will help C. pepo breeders to better select for wartiness and hard shell, therefore speeding up the breeding process.