Phone number: 603-862-3690
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers and They/Them/Theirs
Kaley is a recent UNH alum, and the newest TRIO Scholars (SSS) Education Coordinator. Kaley received her triple major Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Philosophy: Ethics and Social Responsibility, and Italian Studies.
Some of Kaley’s most notable experiences include working as a Dedicated Advisor through the Breakthrough Manchester College Bound program, as a Teaching Assistant through UNH’s Future Leaders Institute, and as a Student Assistant in the UNH TRIO Scholars (SSS) office.
Kaley has been part of the TRIO network since middle school where she participated in TRIO Educational Talent Search program (ETS) and was also a TRIO Scholars (SSS) student at UNH!
Kaley considers herself a bookworm, a movie buff, and an avid board game fan.
Please be sure to welcome Kaley and stop by her office at 212 Smith Hall! She looks forward to using her insight as a TRIO and UNH alum to support and connect with current and future TRIO SSS students.