Editorial Guidelines

UNH follows the AP stylebook. Below is a list of commonly used standards along with any UNH-specific exceptions. For further clarification, please contact Marketing at 603-862-6000 or by email.

Alumni vs. Alumnus vs. Alumna
Use alumnus (alumni in the plural) when referring to a man who has attended UNH. 
Use alumna (alumnae in the plural) when referring to a woman who has attended UNH.
Use alumni when referring to a group of men and women.

Class years
For graduating years within the last century of the current student body, use ’XX: Leslie Hubbard ’27, John Irving ’65
For graduating years for which the century is ambiguous or open to interpretation, write around wherever possible: Oliver Hubbard, who graduated in 1921, revolutionized the poultry industry.
For lists/instances in which the short form is required, use ’XX ONLY for the most contemporary students/graduates and use the full graduation year, set off with parentheses in other instances. I.e.:
John Smith ’21: correct for a student graduating in 2021
Oliver Hubbard (1921)

Courses vs. Departments/Programs
The full title of an academic course should be capitalized:
UNH will be offering a new course next semester, Introduction to Art History. 
Capitalization is not used when referring more generally to an academic department or program of study:
She is studying mechanical engineering at UNH.
The college offers a wide array of nursing and occupational therapy courses.
Exceptions: Departments/programs that are proper names: 
English, Italian, French, Spanish, etc.; Earth 
He registered for two English courses; she was disappointed that the Earth sciences course she wanted conflicted with her math class.

Dates (Months and Days)

Abbreviate months with six or more letters if they are used with a specific date. Spell out those with five or fewer letters:
Sept. 8
July 12

Correctly abbreviated months:
Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

Do not abbreviate days of the week.
For days of the month use numerals only. Do not use nd, rd, or th.
Dates used in sentences are spelled out in full and take commas:
The February 11, 2015, meeting was the last time the group gathered. 

Deans and Professors
Capitalize president, dean and professor when used as a formal title before a name. Lowercase in other uses:
Dean Ben Thompson
the dean addressed the audience... Charles Murkland, dean of students … Professor Jane Smith teaches... John Smith is an English professor... The dean’s office
The Office of the Dean

When listed in a program/invitation:
Jane Smith
Professor, Health Management and Policy

Lowercase for all uses of dean’s list:
She was named to the dean’s list. He is a dean’s list student.

When referencing generic degrees, majors and minor use lowercase:
bachelor’s degree, master’s or doctorate
Use ‘doctorate’ rather than Ph.D. in copy: she earned her doctorate from UNH in 2009 

When listing a major or degree program, capitalize only the official diploma title, not the program or concentration, unless it includes a proper name:
She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism. He earned a bachelor’s degree in English.
She received a Master of Science degree in chemistry. He received his Doctor of Psychology degree from UNH.

All UNH advanced degree designations (masters of arts/sciences, MBA, doctorate, etc.) are signified with ’XXG. This holds true even for alumni receiving multiple UNH degrees: 
Nancy Kinner ’80G, ’83G

  • The only exception is juris doctor degrees, which are signified with ’XXJD

We also recognize parents and honorary degree recipients: Dana Hamel ’88P, Andy Lietz ’16H. 

For alumni who have more than one designation (e.g., both an undergrad degree and an honorary degree), all designations should be used and listed chronologically: Mary Smith ’82, ’09P, ’16H

In general north, south, east and west are lowercase. Only uppercase when referencing a specific well-known area:
The UNH Durham campus is located in southwest New Hampshire. New Hampshire is located in the Northeast.

Capitalize Earth as a proper name, along with all other planet names.

Graduand is a student about to graduate or receive a degree.

Numbers (cardinal)
In general, spell out numbers one through nine and use numerals for numbers 10 and up. 

Common exceptions:

  • Addresses: 7 Main Street
  • Ages: The 8-year-old student; the 3-year-old gelding’s Kentucky Derby win was later overturned.
    • Exception to the exception: Inanimate objects:  The eighteen-year-old building; the five-year-old furnace
  • Casual/colloquial references: I told you a thousand times! 
  • Dollars and cents. Notice that AP style does not include a period with two zeroes when referring to an even dollar figure: $2; 5 cents
  • Dimensions: The 5-foot-7 point guard; the new 6-by-8 room
  • Highways: Route 4
  • Millions, billions: 5 billion people
  • Percentages: 1 percent
  • Speed: 8 mph
  • Temperature: 2 degrees; minus 6; (spell out zero)

Spell out numbers used at the beginning of a sentence, unless it is a year:
Ten thousand people attended the event. 2015 was a very good year for UNH athletics.

Numbers (ordinal)
In general, spell out first through ninth, and use numerals for 10th and above:
She was first in line; he was the 100th caller 

When referring to formal names of geography, the military or political affiliation, use numerals:
1st Ward, 52nd Street, 2nd Lt.

Offices and Departments
Capitalize office, department, division, program, etc., when they are part of official titles in programs, invitations, etc. Otherwise, use lowercase:

Keynote speaker: Michelle Leichtman, Department of Psychology
The psychology department will hold a picnic for new faculty next Wednesday
He’s taught in the Paul College business administration department since 2013

Personal pronouns
Reflecting the broader societal trend, CPA recognizes “they” as a correct singular pronoun for individuals who do not use “he” or “she.” Note that when used as a personal pronoun, “they” will take a plural verb: Morgan Smith ’21 never intended to study white nose fungus in bats. When asked about their research, they say… 

Phone Numbers
Use parentheses and dashes to format a domestic phone number:
(603) 862-6000
For international phone numbers, the country and city code should be in parentheses:
(44-20) 5555-5555

Formal version listed in a program/invitation
James W. Dean Jr.
President, University of New Hampshire

Informal version listed in a program/invitation or written in a story
“Please join President James Dean Jr. at the library...” 
“...says Jim Dean, president of UNH.”

Lowercase spring, summer, winter and fall, unless part of a formal name or a publication.

Serial Commas
Do not use a serial comma before a conjunction in a simple series.
CPA comprises public affairs, marketing and creative departments.
Serial commas are appropriate in complex sentences with multiple clauses, where their absence might create confusion or ambiguity:
I ordered ham and eggs, toast and jam, and pie and ice cream 

State Abbreviations
State abbreviations in AP style differ from the two-letter ZIP code abbreviations. Here is how each state is abbreviated in AP style. Note, there are eight states that are not abbreviated, marked with N/A:

Alabama- Ala. Alaska (N/A) Arizona- Ariz. Arkansas- Ark. California- Calif. Colorado- Colo. Connecticut- Conn. Delaware- Del. Florida- Fla. Georgia- Ga. Hawaii (N/A) Idaho (N/A) Illinois- Ill. Indiana- Ind. Iowa (N/A) Kansas- Kan. Kentucky- Ky. Louisiana- La. Maine (N/A) Maryland- Md. Massachusetts- Mass. Michigan- Mich. Minnesota- Minn. Mississippi- Miss. Missouri- Mo. Montana- Mont. Nebraska- Neb. Nevada- Nev. New Hampshire- N.H. New Jersey- N.J. New Mexico- N.M. New York- N.Y. North Carolina- N.C. North Dakota- N.D. Ohio (N/A) Oklahoma- Okla. Oregon- Ore. Pennsylvania- Pa. Rhode Island- R.I. South Carolina- S.C. South Dakota- S.D. Tennessee- Tenn. Texas (N/A) Utah (N/A) Vermont- Vt. Virginia- Va. Washington- Wash. West Virginia- W.Va. Wisconsin- Wis. Wyoming- Wyo.

Spell out state names in text:
He grew up in Wilmington, Delaware, and attended UNH on a hockey scholarship
She is a New Hampshire native

Jr., III etc. do not take comma
James W. “Jim” Dean Jr.
John C. Derrick III

UNH uses theatre over theater.

When writing a.m. and p.m., use lower case and periods.
When the time is at the top of an hour, remove extraneous zeroes: 7 p.m., not 7:00 p.m. 
Use noon and midnight instead of 12 p.m. and 12 a.m. The program runs from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

When referencing a website do not use www. before a URL. Note, that this is an exception from the AP style:

Lowercase website, web and internet in written text:
She searched the website for more information. 
He read the story on the web.
Her photo broke the internet.