Dear Faculty and Staff—

Congratulations! The university has achieved a renewed platinum rating, the highest possible under STARS, the most rigorous system in higher education for measuring sustainability. UNH has earned the 5th highest score among the other nine schools in the nation who have achieved platinum, putting us in the top five out of nearly 700 schools for our sustainability practices across all aspects of the university—curriculum, operations, research and engagement. This success would simply not be possible without the work of all of you on existing and new initiatives to positioned the university as a driver of sustainability and resilience for the critical next decade and beyond. Together we are ensuring our students are prepared to address the challenges and opportunities of sustainability with the urgency and competencies required. Sustainability, the collective commitment to human dignity for all people and ecological integrity in all places, is fundamental to the public good and is one of our core values.

Please take a minute to read about new, as well as existing, initiatives across all aspects of the university that has once again made UNH a platinum STARS instititution.

All my best,

James W. Dean Jr.
