Spaulding Life Science 194

  • SLS 194 Classroom Photo
  • SLS 194 Projector Cart

This room is NOT under the control of the University Registrar's Office and is NOT available for reservation at this time.

This room is equipped with a Panasonic Projector on a Cart with a speaker capable of presenting from a laptop.


  • Make sure your device is powered on and awake.
  • Connect your device using the supplied HDMI cable.
  • If your device requires a display adapter, connect adapter to cable first, then connect adapter to your device.
  • If necessary, select your desired source connection on the AV Touch Panel.
Connections Available:


  1. Power on and log in to laptop
  2. Power projector on using Power button on rear button control panel.
    • Projector will take up to 30 seconds to warm up.
  3. Connect the HDMI cable to your laptop.
    • If a display adapter is necessary to connect your laptop to the cable, connect the adapter to the cable first, then connect the adapter to your laptop.
  4. Projector will be auto-searching for an active computer signal and should display your computer automatically.
    • If needed, use the Input button on projector rear control panel to manually select HDMI connection input.
  5. Projector has built in speakers; your computer will likely select these projector speakers as your Sound Output automatically when connected.
    • If necessary, check your laptop’s operating system Sound Output settings to select the projector (“PT FZ-570") as your Sound Output device.
  6. Power projector off using Power button on projector rear button control panel.
    • Projector will take up to 30 seconds to cool down before being able to power on again.

Need assistance or want to schedule a one-on-one AV training session?

Call the AV Services Hotline at Ext. 2467 (603-862-2467) at any time.

Room Specifications

Capacity: TBD

Equipment List

HDMI Connection
Video/Data Projector