The Voices of International Students Project: Reshma Giji

United Arab Emirates
Reshma Giji

“...I really don’t feel like a lot of Americans would know about the countries across the world as much as we would know about other countries.”


Reshma Giji is a junior double majoring in Earth Science and EcoGastronomy from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


“...Not a lot of Americans know about my culture. I grew up in a place where it was globalized so we learned about different cultures by itself...It’s like, okay, we learned about America since we were young. We learned about different countries when we were born. But I really don’t feel like a lot of Americans would know about the countries across the world as much as we would know about other countries.” 


About the Project and Creator

“The Voices of International Students Project” features UNH students from various countries and academic backgrounds. This is a fall 2021 weekly storytelling project that centers on the voices of international students and their experiences at UNH. This project is intended to not only celebrate and highlight the diversity we have on campus but also to give international students the opportunity to share their unique stories and what they have learned from being international students on campus.  

Jennifer Rose is an intern in the UNH Global Education and created “The Voices of International Students Project.” She is currently a Liberal Studies major with a self-designed concentration in Intercultural Studies at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She will be finished with her bachelor's degree in December 2021. Studying abroad in London and Berlin during college exposed her to various cultures and inspired her to do this project.