Stacy Fender
Supervisor's Name: Jennifer Lowrey
Start Date at UNH: 2017
Job Description:
As Managing Director of Development I fundraise for and support the major gift fundraising efforts of UNH’s Colleges of Health and Human Services, Liberal Arts, and Engineering and Physical Sciences, along with other areas of campus. I and my development colleagues who work in these areas have the privilege of helping wonderful alumni, families and friends of UNH who seek to support our students, programs, research and campus improvements.
I love to take part in or be a fan of almost any outdoor activity or sport. Anywhere my dog Penny can go with me, she’s going! And time at home with family tends to be a balance between enjoying downtime and home improvements.
Favorite Part of the Job:
When people have decided to give to UNH, it is a special honor to be a part of their process.