Michelle Morrissey

Michelle Morrissey

Editorial Director & Editor in Chief, UNH Magazine
Phone: (603) 862-0527
Office: Advancement, Elliott Alumni Center, Durham, NH 03824

Supervisor's Name: Mary Horigan
Start Date at UNH: 2014

Job Description: 
I create and curate the content for our flagship publication, UNH Magazine. I also communicate with our donors and other key stakeholders through the UNH Foundation's social media to communicate the impact their philanthropy has on the university's students, faculty and programs. 

Areas of Specialty: 
Magazine editing, design, project management, donor communications, journalism, writing, editing, nonprofit storytelling, social media

Favorite Part of the Job: 
Creating a magical mix of stories for each issue of UNH Magazine, and working with colleagues to share the greater "UNH story" with our audiences.