CAMRA at UNH - 4th Annual Screening Scholarship

Tuesday, May 02, 2023 - 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Freedom Café in Durham, NH

Join us for the 4th Annual Screening Scholarship Showcase featuring screening and discussion of outstanding undergraduate-produced multimodal projects. The event will be on Tuesday, May 2nd, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Freedom Cafe in Durham, NH.

CAMRA supports faculty and students in developing and showcasing projects that use multimodal representation—including videos, podcasts, and web- and arts-based research—to explore important issues. This year, we will celebrate the first Showcase Audience Choice Award.

Based in the Department of Communication, CAMRA (Collective for Advancing Multimodal Research Arts) brings together faculty and students from across UNH interested in exploring the affordances of research that goes beyond the written word, including visual, aural, and other digital forms of inquiry. CAMRA is invested in the ethics of representation and exploring how multimodal research can reach audiences beyond the scholarly community. Light refreshments will be served.

Kate Zambon , Assistant Professor of Communication, University of New Hampshire  

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Contact Info
Simoneau, Kathleen