Dive into the world of acoustics with the fundamentals of general and underwater acoustics.
Required Courses:
- OE 865: Underwater Acoustics
- OE 965: Advanced Underwater Acoustics
- To participate in OE 865: Underwater Acoustics learners should have an understanding of calculus-based physics and differential equations, or permission from the instructor (laura.kloepper@unh.edu). There is no prerequisite for OE 965: Advanced Underwater Acoustics.
The earner of the Underwater Acoustics Microcredential has learned:
- Concepts include the simple harmonic oscillator, waves on strings, and the acoustic wave equation
- The sonar equation
- Sound generation and reception by underwater acoustic transducers and arrays
- Basics of sound propagation
- Reflection and scattering from ocean boundaries
How It Works
The Underwater Acoustics Microcredential is a short-term credit-bearing program offered by the UNH Center for Acoustic Research and Education.
To receive the Underwater Acoustics Microcredential learners must successfully complete OE 865: Underwater Acoustics and OE 965: Advanced Underwater Acoustics within a period of 2 years or less.
Upon completion of the required coursework, learners will receive a Underwater Acoustics Microcredential issued by Credly that is shareable via social media, digital resumes, online portfolios, and email signatures.
What To Expect
OE 865: Underwater Acoustics and OE 965: Advanced Underwater Acoustics are traditional graduate-level courses at the University of New Hampshire. Both courses meet for regular sessions during a traditional semester schedule. Courses are available online and/or in-person depending upon the semester. Check each of the individual course links provided above for specific course semesters, dates, and times.
Learners in the courses will be a mix of matriculated UNH degree students and nonmatriculated continuing education students. All learners are expected to participate and engage as defined by the expectations of the individual course instructor, syllabus, and curriculum to successfully complete each individual course.
How to Enroll
There is no formal application process for the Bioacoustics Microcredential, learners simply enroll directly in OE 865: Underwater Acoustics and OE 965: Advanced Underwater Acoustics during set enrollment windows. (View the UNH Course Registration Calendar.)
Current matriculated UNH degree students must enroll for courses in their standard course enrollment procedure with the consultation of their academic advisor and enrollment through Webcat and the Office of the Registrar.
Nonmatriculated, nondegree, visiting, and continuing education learners can enroll for courses online through UNH's nondegree enrollment platform.
Start Your Learning Pathway Today
Start working towards your Graduate Certificate in Acoustics.
Once you earn your Underwater Acoustics Microcredential, you can apply the 6 credits earned directly towards a UNH Graduate Certificate in Acoustics with the UNH Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space.

For More Information Contact
Laura N. Kloepper, Ph.D. (she/hers)
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
College of Life Sciences and Agriculture
Associate Director for Education
Center for Acoustic Research and Education (CARE)
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space