Sarah Proctor

Excellence in Teaching, 2019

Veterinary Technology Program

Sarah Proctor

Sarah Proctor is an associate clinical professor and coordinator of our Thompson School of Applied Science veterinary technology associate degree program, which is housed within our department of agriculture, nutrition and food systems.

As a veterinarian, Dr. Proctor’s passion for shelter medicine and caring for underserved pets and clients is evident in her work in developing the PAWS Veterinary Teaching Clinic here at UNH, which serves low-income pet owners while teaching vet tech students hands-on skills. In addition to teaching, she practices medicine and surgery at the Pope Memorial Humane Society of Cocheco Valley, in Dover.

Dr. Proctor’s students describe her as “extremely knowledgeable in the veterinary technician field. She is always available to help and always wants you to do your best.” They say she is “very smart and yet very humble about her achievements. She is a wonderful professor both in the classroom and in a practical setting.” They further note that “she goes above and beyond to help students understand the material” and that she “will work with you no matter what and is overall one of the best teachers I’ve had.”

Our vet tech program recently hosted the national accreditation team, and as result of Dr. Proctor’s capable leadership, received a very positive reaccreditation report.

About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
