Michele Lovell

Excellence in Teaching, 2016


Michele Lovell

Michele Loos, Clinical Assistant Professor in Nursing, is recognized as a creative and thoughtful teacher, practitioner, advocate for students and positive force in the nursing department.

She continuously evaluates the effectiveness of her teaching to improve upon it, taking advantage of the many opportunities available at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning as well as pursuing her own innovations and creative techniques to engage students and inspire life-long learning.

Her students appreciate her use of technology, media, guest lecturers, reflections, and in-class discussions as well as the individual support she provides during office hours.

A Direct Entry Masters in Nursing program student said Professor Loos' undergraduate course on death and dying was his primary motivation for pursuing nursing as a profession.

Students see Professor Loos as an expert practitioner and advocate for the importance of nursing work. They also see her as an advocate for their learning - someone who cares about students and provides many opportunities for them to learn the vital concepts of nursing and become compassionate caregivers. And more, Professor Loos continues to work with her students even after they advance out of her classroom and into the profession.

About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
