Presidential Award of Excellence, 2015
Theatre and Dance, College of Liberal Arts
Administrative Manager

Asked to sum up Mike Wood’s dedication to UNH’s theater and dance department, one colleague put it simply: “He is one of the hardest working people I have ever worked with.”
Another colleague calls Mike “The Great and Powerful Oz” – the man behind the curtain who brings a unique touch to making the complex, dynamic work of theater and dance productions, classes and scheduling not only possible, but magical. And that is no easy act to pull off.
In addition to its academic functions, the department runs an eight-production theater season, provides outreach programming across the state, manages a touring company that visits 40 communities each summer and operates a day camp that attracts 180 children to campus.
Mike is the first to arrive and very often the last to leave each day, and he is always willing to stay late if it means helping a student, faculty member or staff colleague to succeed. Those who work closely with him say Mike exudes a positive energy and uplifting spirit that inspires everyone around him.
Everyone who comes into the department soon learns that Mike is the “go-to” problem-solver, whose range covers everything from project management and administration to computer and IT issues. And in the rare instances where he doesn’t have an answer at hand, Mike will research until he does.
In addition to managing the department, production budgets and accounting, Mike devotes long hours to course scheduling, student credits evaluation, graduation evaluations, class evaluation reports and practicum assignments. He also serves as the videotaping technician and production editor for stage productions and course final presentations.
Finally, he manages the department’s library, organizes the archives and serves as the theatre and dance department’s webmaster.
Faculty and staff say they learn a great deal by observing Mike in “problem-solving mode” – and they add that Mike’s passion for bringing his best to UNH inspires them every day.
About this Award
All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the Presidential Award of Excellence nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from Human Resources and forwarding it to the Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.