Presidential Award of Excellence, 2017
VPFA - Business Services
Senior Business Services Assistant

If anyone assumes that our billing services staff enjoy quiet, predictable days filling in spreadsheets, they have never seen Marlene Brooks on the job. In her role as a senior business services assistant, Marlene wears many hats. Often, all at the same time.
At any given moment she is a: Customer service representative. Master of non-stop phones. Gatekeeper of endless emails. Problem solver for busy faculty. Counselor to angry parents. And above all -- a patient, comforting mentor to our students.
Amid this daily blur, Marlene also serves with distinction as a keeper of important financial records that are vital to our community’s success. And colleagues find inspiration in her good cheer, positive energy and dedicated work ethic.
At her core, Marlene recognizes the most important aspect about business services: That behind every line on a tuition bill is a student. And behind them are families and members of our UNH community who are deeply committed to their success.
Marlene coordinates efforts between departments, encourages and mentors work study students, celebrates and supports her colleagues and cultivates a warm and professional environment in every aspect of her work. Recently, she organized a celebration for a work study student who became a U.S. citizen. And she even attended the naturalization ceremony in Concord with her grandchildren. Imagine what that meant to that student.
One new employee recalled how Marlene took her to visit other departments so that she could meet the people whose billing statements she would be handling. “She is a firm believer in putting a face to an email,” her co-worker said. “In doing this, Marlene builds relationships with colleagues all across campus and learns how their jobs may impact her own.”
Marlene is a glowing example of how we all can strengthen the UNH Brand - by bringing our best selves to campus and by working with dedication, compassion and creativity.
About this Award
All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the Presidential Award of Excellence nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from Human Resources and forwarding it to the Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.