Excellence in Teaching, 2024
College of Liberal Arts
Madhavi Devasher, assistant professor of political science and international affairs, is an expert on South Asia and racial and ethnic politics; her book, Crossing Lines: Cross-Ethnic Coalitions in India and Prospects for Minority Representation, was published earlier this year. Madhavi’s courses – including The US in World Affairs, Comparative Politics, Comparative Identity Politics and Nuclear Weapons and Terrorism – are essential and popular components of the department’s undergraduate and graduate curriculum. Indeed, they are critical to UNH, as they are the only courses that tackle international development, security and sustainability in the context of South Asia.
Enthusiastic and engaging, Madhavi ensures that students learn about global and regional issues while also being challenged to think critically and carefully. Students read substantive scholarly articles and books and as conveyed in their evaluations, they develop and strengthen their analytical and research skills. Professor Devasher’s teaching combines rigor, passion and substantive expertise matched by a supportive learning environment. Thus, one student noted, “... I made attending class a top priority because Professor Devasher is extremely skilled at taking really difficult concepts and making them easier to understand.”
Students appreciate learning a significant amount of important knowledge about unfamiliar people and places while also being challenged to think about U.S. foreign policy in different, and often more critical, ways. One former student, a Marshall award winner, remarked that in the introductory Polt 403 class, “I soon discovered my passion for international relations and political science through Dr. Devasher’s transformative instruction.” Madhavi’s dedication to fostering critical thinking and global awareness in her students not only transforms their understanding of the world, but also empowers them to engage thoughtfully with complex international issues.
About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.