Kevin Pietro

Excellence in Teaching, 2019

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems

Kevin Pietro

Kevin Pietro has taught 11 different courses in nutritional approaches to prevent disease, improve overall health and wellness and gain competitive advantage in exercise and sports. Many are centered on experiential learning, providing and supervising internships, collaborating with UNH Athletics and assisting our students in counseling clients from the community. He is assistant coordinator of the undergraduate dietetic placement program, uses our technology enhanced active learning classrooms, is manager for our simulation laboratory and is one of the reasons our graduates routinely have 100% pass rate on the national certification exam.

Input from his colleagues perhaps captures his accomplishments best. Says one: “His courses cover introductory to advanced graduate. In every instance he has worked on new ways to make the material vibrant and meaningful.”

Another says, “I am continually impressed by Kevin’s commitment to his own continued learning — about the science of nutrition and the science of teaching. He is currently working toward a doctoral degree in Education, exploring the capacity to teach empathy.”

A retired colleague notes, “He covers three courses I once taught, and in talking to him I have said to myself, ‘why did I not think of that, that is such a great way to teach that material!’”

“Reaching the hesitant student, the student who doubts their ability, is the hallmark of a great teacher, and Kevin excels at this.”

About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
