Karsten Pohl

Excellence in Teaching, 2019


Karsten Pohl

The recognition of Karsten Pohl, professor and chair of physics, as the 2019 CEPS Excellence in Teaching Award recipient comes as no surprise to those who have watched him embrace the UNH mission.

Already recognized as an outstanding scholar and citizen of UNH, Professor Pohl is committed to UNH’s instructional mission. He invests in his students and welcomes them into a world where scholarship is integrated with instruction. He creates a great balance of teaching, discovery-based learning, and showing the material through demonstrations in class. Students respond positively to his genuine and self-effacing demeanor. He is invariably described as ‘helpful and considerate,’ and as someone who ‘genuinely cares about students.’ Students are also particularly appreciative of his enthusiasm, passion and humor, regularly requesting ‘more physics jokes.’

Professor Pohl’s impact on the institution is broad and deep. It is clear that he views teaching as a responsibility and a privilege central to the university’s commitment to student engagement and success.

We are fortunate to have him as a colleague and our students are fortunate to experience his devotion and skill within the teaching mission. It is my great pleasure to award the 2019 College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award to Karsten Pohl.

About this Award
Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.
