Presidential Award of Excellence, 2012
Dean's Office, Graduate School

Jon Adams is the information technologist – in other words, the Web guru – for the Graduate School. Much of Jon’s work has been invisible and behind the scenes – he constantly upgrades, backs up, maintains, and manages all technology aspects of the Graduate School. But Jon has also shown exceptional leadership on those more visible initiatives that improve how we do business at UNH.
Heading the list of such changes has been Jon’s role in transitioning the Graduate School into a paperless environment, complete with an online-only application process. Making the application process easier for prospective graduate students (and faculty evaluators!) is critical to the University’s success in attracting the most talented students in the years to come. Jon shouldered the majority of the development work required to make this change, inviting colleagues from literally dozens of departments to sit down with him, one on one, and go over individual department needs.
Through his 20 years at UNH, Jon has consistently shown that when he commits himself to something, he sees it all the way through. Most recently, demonstrating his stamina and dedication to the strategic planning by stepping up to help colleagues in Academic Technology improve the eUNH admission process for non-degree students – a key strategic initiative to expand the University’s delivery of online courses and programs.
Jon’s dedication is also evidenced through his volunteer service to the Cornucopia Food Bank, his local library, and by serving as a resource for prospective GLBTQ staff, faculty, and students.
Behind the scenes or out in front leading, Jon Adams is a worthy recipient, and UNH is proud to recognize him with the 2012 Presidential Award of Excellence.
About this Award
All members of the university community, including leadership, supervisors & managers, peers, colleagues and students may nominate any qualified staff member by completing the Presidential Award of Excellence nomination form online or by requesting a paper application from Human Resources and forwarding it to the Presidential Award of Excellence Peer Review Committee, c/o Human Resources, Nesmith Hall each year by the deadline.